Sunday 25 September 2011

Bloggin, schmoggin.

Bloggin, schmoggin.

It's a cruel, cruel world... there's so many blogs in this universe. Without a unique angle, a pull, a reason for people to come back, your blog's destined to be read by no one at all. How sad is that prospect. A collection of words lost in a vast universe.... *beautiful*

I may as well be writing in my teenage diary that no one else is supposed to read. An actual fact: I think my mum once found my diary when I was 11 and I'd drawn little pictures of the bitches in my year with little speech bubbles saying 'I'm a massive cow'. I should have made lyrics from my teenage diary into a series of songs, I'd be a fucking Emo goddess by now, with thousands of teenagers cutting themselves to my songs....hindsight's a bitch.

So the point of this post, is to think of ways to make this blog worth having, and worth reading...

At least the woman who posted photo's of her cervix every day had a unique angle - although, I can't see me sen going to them lengths. Me Camera cost a bob or two, and I don't think it's waterproof.

I'll think on, in the meantime, enjoy yourself with that woman's inner plumbing. Weirdo....