Saturday 24 January 2009

The ant and the ladyboys...

Friday, July 20, 2007

Such a title of my blog should imply some hidden meaning, but it does exactly what it says on the tin....

Last week I went round to the msitresses and schmoked a few doobies with the wife (in the mean time bobbin round to a dudes house who had a fish tank as a coffee table, and his flat mates getting a bit freaked out by a Yorkshire bird screaming ' get the terapin out!'.

So I went back home to fix myslef some delicious Rice Crispies, and knocked over another pack of 'light wheat based' cereal. In a Chucke Brother moment, one hand holding Snap, Crackle and Pop, and the other on my hands and knees scooping flakes, out the corner of my eye I saw them coming for me,out of what seemed nowhere. They there were, freakin ants. Crawling up my leg.

That was it, right there and then, in a slighty woosey frame of mind still holding me Rice Delights I decided we should stage some sort of world wide based charity concert.

Fook me carbon footprint, we've got an infestation. I dreamt of killer ants slaying the monkey from the Coco Pops advert that night (even though I was eating Rice Krispies) me from my interupted sleep and give me a pound.


*stay tuned for Part 2: Ladyboys

Currently listening:Cereal KillersBy Too Much Joy
Release date: 12 March, 1991

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