Saturday 24 January 2009

Broken English and a plate of meat...

Monday, July 02, 2007

As ever a random life I have.Last year I woke up on my birthday in Mauldeth Road park at 11 in the morning surrounded by school children, with a few friends near by.
This year I bring in my birthday stood on a stage in the middle of Naples, in front of 500 people getting hugged by a range of Italians.

I was invited to be a judge as part of a new music festival in Naples. The panel of judges included, a TV presenter, music producer and journalist, a music promoter, another music writer and a nobhead from Manchester.I can't even speak Italian so most of the time I was pretty quiet, nodding and taking advantage of the nibbles.

I was only there for 2 days so I thought I'd cram in all the Italian classics, I had e pizza, e pasta, e ice cream and a plate of pork (the language barrier got the better of me)
I also had a ride on the back of a motorbike, with no helmet.

I read that Naples 'was the most violent and dangerous cities in Italy' , it maybe, but I've never been met with so much friendliness and lovliness. And the 2 kiss thing I was well getting to the swing of things and lunging for everybody.

Then there was the flights. I missed my connection to Manchester so I spent most of birthday in Paris airport, awkwardly asleep on a plastic chair. I thought I was going to spend all night there so i put on me 'Birthday Girl' badge, bought a muffin and bottle of wine and sang 'Happy Birthday' to myself.

7 Planes, in 2 weeks, my carbon footprint is blummin massive.

I do hate all these traveller types who go on about 'god, I had the most amzing time in India where i stood on top of a mountain with a naked hippy and really found who I was about, and what life really means, while the hippy stuck a smoking stick up my arse'.

But I did have a randomly great time.

Currently listening:I'm Wide Awake, It's MorningBy Bright Eyes
Release date: 25 January, 2005

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