Sunday 8 April 2007


Sunday, August 20, 2006

those pesky shopkeepers are still banging out genius and creative titles for thier shops...

'Thistle Do Nicely' - we gafowed oh we did
' Wannaburgur?' - i chuckled

Thats just Edinburgh- the Scottish humour, brilliant chaps, bloody brilliant.

In Sheff we had a hairdressers called 'Hair Force One'- it closed but I'm damm sure the shop title did nothing to flunk this business they probably had a blind person cutting the hair with thier guide dog barking when they got too close to the ear- perhaps. Me dad had his hair cut their n he just came back looking the same...

I got pretty pissed off today though when i saw an Italian Restuarant called 'Italia Cafe'- i just thought, you lazy bastards there's people out there trying to muster up some fantastic titles for their shop, and ok, the end product they vend may be shit (see the shit haircuts above), but I admire their pinash. I hope 'Italia Cafe' closes, and the chef gets struck off the chef register for putting his nob in the carbonara.

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