Tuesday 24 April 2007

My Aniversary

Sunday, November 05, 2006

It's been a year since my first blog.

A whole year since i joined this new phenomenom of writing words onto a computer for all to see. A personal soapbox if you will, a blatent 'look at me' or a useful way of writing down random thoughts in you head while your sat on your own after your 7th glass of red. hmmm I'm not an attention seeking wanker so I guess it's the latter.

Let us take a look at my first rant. Ah i remember it well, i was sat at home in Sheffers, the eve of our Halloween party last year.....

Current mood: crazy

just about to be broken in..of sorts
**probably should have opted for that extra box of nibbles from Lidls**

2m is the day of our first house party, my first at being the hostess.
**I did a grand job of that**

It can either go 2 ways:

1. no-one turns up. Remember the shittest party you've been to whwre u can hear a needle drop in the attic. the punch is untouched the nibbles are un nibbled and the conversation has turned to 'ooo my mums got that lamp...
**Every fucker n his dog turned up, one memorable moment was me falling into a guy who had turned up wearing a blow-up sumo suit and almost inhaling his nipple as a went in for a hug**

2. the house is rammed and i end up with that suspect vomit in the corner and turd in the fridge the next morning,
**no, that would be the suspected vomit in the sink (in the bathroom that no-one ever went in and someone found me in, a few months later quite worse for wear declaring 'oooo iv never been in here before') that stayed there until July this year**

It's all a bit bizzare what's happened since then. I can't be arsed to bore you with the details, but if you told me last year that I'd be where i am today, I'd tell you to go get me whatever your on...

For the most part I'm very very happy, a little part of me in frowning because I'm sat in a very dusty house with no toilet paper.

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